Music and Culture At Highgate

At Highgate Private School, we recognize the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Namibia as an integral part of our educational experience. Namibia is a country with a tapestry of cultures, each contributing to the vibrant mosaic that defines our nation.

Our commitment to embracing Namibian culture within our school community is reflected in various ways:

Cultural Education

We believe that understanding and respecting Namibian cultures is fundamental to fostering unity and appreciation among our students. Our curriculum includes cultural education that explores the traditions, languages, art, music, and history of Namibia’s various ethnic groups. This helps our students develop a deep sense of cultural awareness and empathy.

Celebrating Diversity

We celebrate Namibia’s diversity through cultural events and activities. Our school organizes cultural festivals, where students can showcase their heritage through traditional attire, dance, music, and cuisine. These celebrations not only provide a platform for cultural exchange but also promote a sense of belonging and pride among our students.

Language Preservation

We value the importance of preserving the Namibian languages. Our school encourages the learning and use of indigenous languages alongside English. This helps our students connect with their cultural roots and fosters multilingualism, a valuable skill in our globalized world. 


Community Engagement

Highgate Private School actively engages with local communities to learn from and contribute to Namibian cultures. We collaborate with cultural experts, elders, and community leaders to ensure that our students gain a deep and respectful understanding of Namibia’s diverse traditions.

Respect and Inclusivity

We promote a culture of respect and inclusivity where students from all backgrounds feel valued and included. By embracing Namibian cultures, we cultivate an environment where diversity is celebrated and prejudices are challenged.

Incorporating Namibian culture into our school’s fabric enriches the educational experience, instills a sense of pride in our heritage, and prepares our students to be culturally sensitive and globally aware citizens. We believe that by understanding and appreciating the diversity of Namibia, our students are better equipped to navigate an increasingly interconnected world with respect, empathy, and a sense of unity.


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