NSSC-O (Full Time)

The Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) level syllabus is designed as a two-year course (grade 10 and 11) leading to examination after completion of the Junior Secondary phase.

The subject choice for senior secondary in the curriculum can be organised in the following way:

English + Mathematics + Another language

Two subjects from fields of study

One subject from supplementary subjects

Note that a one-language curriculum is offered in cases where permission has been obtained.

HPS Fields of Study

Fields Subjects
Natural Science Biology; Physics; Chemistry
Social Sciences Geography; History; Development Studies
Commerce Accounting; Entrepreneurship, Business Studies

 Promotion Policy

– The minimum pass mark at HPS is 50%. Learners’ level of achievement, as indicated by letter grades or symbols, is measured against the competencies in the subject syllabuses.

– Learners who do not achieve the minimum competency level of 50% in both English and Mathematics will not be promoted to the next grade.

Promotional Subjects Per Grade:

a) English (First Language)
b) Afrikaans (Second Language)
c) German (Foreign Language)
d) Mathematics
e) Natural Sciences
f) Social Sciences
g) Commerce
h) Bible Studies
i) Environmental Studies

Non-Promotional Subjects Per Grade

a) Physical education
b) Life Skills
c) Music