Watering A Seed For Growth

We pride ourselves on giving our budding learners an opportunity to find and develop their interests in fun group learning environments. With small classes and a focus on bringing out the best in themselves and others, our Primary School is the perfect place to firm their steps on their knowledge and self-discovery.

Grades 1 - 7

Learners can complete their formal schooling at Highgate without the disruption of changing schools. The small classes, lifelong friendships and commitment to personal growth help create a unique learning experience.

From Grade 1 to Grade 7, our learners are taught the discipline required to master strong academic content. Emphasis is laid on the basic foundations of learning – the ability to read and write, interpret and manipulate information, and numeracy skills. A highly competent teaching staff educates learners in English, with Afrikaans as the first additional language. The additional second language option depends on the number of learners as the second additional language. For example, 15 or more learners may be offered German, Oshiwambo, Herero, or Silozi as the second language.


At Highgate, we strongly encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s educational journey. We firmly believe that a child’s learning experience is a collaborative effort between teachers and parents. In addition to academic involvement, we encourage parents to participate in the school’s cultural activities, whether it’s volunteering at events, or joining in various social and fundraising activities. This partnership between the school and parents enriches the overall educational experience and strengthens our school community.


It is established by research that children learn best in an environment where they feel comfortable and secure. Be it in the classroom, online, or outdoors on the sports field, we emphasize ‘simultaneous connection and content’, to ensure that what learners learn is applied in their surroundings.


Our Primary School implements the curriculum laid down by the Ministry of Education as a basic guide. Our qualified and creative teachers extend and broaden learning beyond what is prescribed in the government curriculum. 

The tenets of Our Primary education involve exploring and discovering, problem-solving, creativity, and making decisions and choices as well as working cooperatively with others.


Our Aftercare provides a safe environment for children from Grade 00 to Grade 7 whose parents cannot or prefer not to, collect them immediately after regular school hours.

Children are supervised by a teacher at the Aftercare facility from 13:40 – 17:00.

Aftercare closes at 17:00 punctually. Please note that there is NO Aftercare on mid-term breaks and holidays.

Parents will be billed at the end of each month for the number of days the scholar stayed at the Highgate Aftercare.


Class Trips: Grade 1 – 6 

These grades go away for 2 nights and 3 days every year for a compulsory class camp. Teachers arrange these trips, and destinations aren’t too far away. Activities are arranged and teachers join our scholars for these trips.

Grade 7 Tour: Compulsory

Our Grade 7 scholars and their class teacher go on an amazing 7-10 day tour to explore parts of our beautiful country. Where possible, the Principal accompanies our scholars on this tour.

 Promotion Policy

– The minimum pass mark at HPS is 50%. Learners’ level of achievement, as indicated by letter grades or symbols, is measured against the competencies in the subject syllabuses.

– Learners who do not achieve the minimum competency level of 50% in both English and Mathematics will not be promoted to the next grade.

Promotional Subjects Per Grade:

a) English (First Language)
b) Afrikaans (Second Language)
c) German (Foreign Language)
d) Mathematics
e) Natural Sciences
f) Social Sciences
g) Commerce
h) Bible Studies
i) Environmental Studies

Non-Promotional Subjects Per Grade

a) Physical education
b) Life Skills
c) Music


Here’s what parents have said about the Highgate Primary School experience:


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